the number one diet to lose fat I thinkI found it it’s tough to lose fat letalone keep it off but there’s a reasonwhy the old saying abs are revealed inthe kitchen is still around because it’strue unfortunately there’s a ridiculousamount of misinformation out there andeven the popular diets that work tend tohave more cons than Pros today I’msharing the size back diet that’s simpleeasy to stick to and just works here’severything you need to know first offyou must understand that all fat lossdiets regardless of what you call ithave one simple goal to get you into acalorie deficit where you’re eatingfewer calories than you burn every daybut in the diet I’ll be showing youtoday rather than cutting out Foods thefirst step is actually the opposite eatmore not just any food though I’mtalking about protein one studypublished back in 2005 had participantschange nothing else aside from eat twiceas much protein as they usually do you’dexpect since they were eating more theygain weight right well here’s whatactually happened after bumping up theirprotein intake the participants ended upeating 440 fewer calories every daywithout them even realizing it and aftersticking to their high protein diet for12 weeks they lost almost 10 lbs of fatnow as for why this happened part of itis because protein is extremely fillingtry to eat 400 calories worth of chickenbreast compared to a bowl of cereal andyou’ll be shocked with just how longeryou stay full for but the real power ofprotein is that when you’re in thecalorie deficit your body can choose toburn off either fat or muscle for energyeating enough protein ideally at least0.8 G per pound of your body weight perday it sends a powerful signal to yourbody to keep your muscle and burn offyour fat for energy this is why highprotein diets not only lead to more fatloss during the diet but have also beenshown to be more effective at preventingfat regain after the diet is overhowever don’t make the same mistake Idid and start having chicken brass forbreakfast lunch dinner and dessert youhave plenty of other options for examplehere’s what 30 G of different proteinsources actually looks like for everyone of your meals pick one that youactually enjoy so we’re going tocontinue the theme of eating more butnow with carbs so back when I wasattempting one of my first diets ever Iwent on and I saw apost from a rip bodybuilder sharing hisdiet he explained how he cut out all hiscarbs and basically ate just meat andveggies so the next day I give it a shotI cut up bread rice candy even ketchupanything that contains some form ofcarbs Now by day three of this I feltlike complete crap super low energy andmy gym performance sucked now afterabout a week I actually did end uplosing about 5 lb but I was confusedbecause I didn’t look or feel any betterwell this is why so when you cut outcarbs initially you’re going to lose aton of weight but this is because carbspull in water to your muscles so almostall of that initial weight loss is fromwater not a fat and the reason whycutting out carbs often that makes youfeel like crap is because they’re yourmain source of energy especially duringhigh intensity exercise now eventuallyyour body does adapt to this and learnsto use other sources for energy but theresearch is clear as long as you’re inthe calorie deficit and eating enoughprotein you’ll lose fat regardless of ifyou’re eating a ton of carbs or none atall so for me personally I’m halfFilipino and I grew up eating rice withalmost every meal so cutting them outcompletely just didn’t make any senseand you should have seen the look on mymom’s face what I told her I wouldn’t beeating rice for dinner that said thecalories from carbs add up fast ifyou’re currently overeating then youprobably will need to cut back on someof your carbs or at least choose lessprocessed carbs that can keep you Fullerfor less calories a good strategy Ipersonally use is saving most of mycarbs for before and after my workoutfor when I need the most energy and thenadd them into my other meals dependingon if I had the room for it I shouldprobably address the elephant in theroom which is my face I just got backfrom from Hawaii and I kid you not I hadthe most epic fight with a shark if youthink my face looks bad you should seewhat I did to Mr shark okay fine this iswhat actually happened happy all rightback to the diet all right so far we’vetalked a lot about protein and carbs butthere is one more food group we’ve yetto cover fats unlike carbs and proteinwhich only contain 4 calories per gramfats are much easier to overeat withbecause they contain more than doublethe calories at 9 calories per gram nowaside from the obvious fats likedesserts cupcakes or deep fried foodsthe real problems are often the hiddenfats that pack on the calories withoutus even noticing for example here’s what200 calories of salad dressing Mayocooking oil cream and butter actuallylook like I could easily scoop out acouple spoonfuls of peanut butter whenI’m feeling a bit peckish and that couldcompletely throw off my calorie intakefor the day but just like with carbs youshouldn’t completely cut out your fatsjust have them in moderation or try tomake swaps like using skin milk insteadof full cream spray oil instead ofcooking oil choosing less batty cuts ofmeats or using a lower calorie saladdress that’s said there are some highfat foods that I personally can’t livewithout comment below what yours are butfor me it’s Donuts we have amazingdoughnut recipes in our built with SIcookbook but still sometimes you justneed the real thing you don’t need tocompletely cudle anything from your dietthere’s ways to make them fit inmoderation so you need to include lotsof protein as well as some car cars andfats into your diet but how do you goabout actually applying this into yourmeals well let’s start off with what notto do this 2021 study had subjectsfollow a strict meal plan that I’ll puta screenshot of here the goal was to putthem in a calorie deficit and theyweren’t allowed to substitute any of thefoods they were given after 10 weeks theresults were great on average theparticipants lost about 7 lbs of fat buthere’s the catch as soon as the diet wasover most of them quickly regained thefat they lostthis is because sticking to strict mealplans doesn’t actually teach you theproper habits of sustaining fat loss inthe long run that’s why I love what’sknown as the balanced plate conceptinstead of rigidly planning out yourmeals most of your meals should looksomething like this first fill a quarterof your plate with a protein Source likethe ones I showed earlier next to keepyou full fill half of your plate withvegetables and or fruits and then lastlybalance out the last quarter of yourplate with either carbs Andor fats andhere’s some great options from each foodcategory that you can reference to startbuilding your own balance plates forexample for breakfast today I love eggsso I had a few of them as my mainprotein source with ketchup and thensome whole green bread with sugar-freeJam as my carbs and then some fruit inthe side and then for lunch I’m planningto have a balanced plate of extra leanground beef steamed veggies and a sideof hummus but you can also apply thisconcept when eating out I used to bethat guy at restaurants restrictingmyself to just salads or pretending Iwasn’t hungry so I could just stick tomy strict meal plan but instead offeeling restricted just tried to buildor order a meal that fits within thegeneral idea of having a balanced plateso far we’ve talked a lot about food butnow you’re probably wondering are thereany supplements you can take to shortcutthe process I’m sure you’ve seen yourfair share of supplement ads of rippedguys and girls making all kinds of crazypromises simply take two inner shred andone sh of vcan first thing in themorning and it’s like blow torch in yourfatwhile these companies have mastered theart of using Marketing sales to takeadvantage of people who don’t know anybetter their products are honestly abunch of BS for example I personallyspent hundreds of dollars on fat burnersback in the day yet the research isclear they’re basically just glorifiedcaffeine pills that spike your heartrate up a little bit to burn a smallamount of extra calories but doesn’t doanything actually meaningful for fatloss now while there are a fewlegitimate supplements that can help youfill in the gas from your diet such asthe omega-3 vitamin D and zinc there isone supplement that’s probably thesingle best fat loss tool you can investin illustrating this power is a studyfrom the British Journal of nutritionthat had a group of subjects firstcomplete a 4-we diet after the diet theysplit the subjects into two groups onegroup added a 30 G protein shake intotheir day whereas the other group didnot surprisingly the protein shake groupregained less fat after the diet wasover and also maintained a smaller wasteComforts so if you’re someone whostruggles to eat enough protein everyday then you need to make protein powderyour best friend as for which one is thebest the most regulated highest qualityprotein is called whe isolate now I dosell my own brand of whe isolate over atbuiltwith which I’ll admitis more on the pricey side because ofthe top quality and the 29 g of proteinyou get per scoop but regardless of ifyou get it from me or from somewhereelse I highly recommend making theinvestment so by now you should have agood idea as to what foods to include inyour diet but one factor most peopleOverlook is how often they eat I used tothink skipping meals was a great idea ifI didn’t eat much or just snack lightlythroughout the day I wouldn’t be gettingmany calories in and that would surelylead to a calorie deficit but thisquickly became a nasty cycle I’d end upfeeling like crap by the end of the dayand as soon as I finally ate somethingmy stomach would just be a bottomlesspit that never got satisfied generallyyou should avoid Ever Getting to a pointwhere you’re feeling dizzy have lowblood sugar and want to eat everythingins sight that’s it there is a populardiet called intermitted fasting whereyou don’t eat your first meal untilusually around 12:00 p.m. and then don’teat anything past 8:00 p.m. I’vepersonally used this in the past and itworked really well not because it’smagic but because it can make stick intoa calorie deficit Easier by fitting allyour meals into a smaller time windowbut nowadays I prefer a more regularschedule of eating with at least 3 tofour main meals per day spread out byaround 3 to 4 hours from each other andthen I’ll just add in one to two snacksor fruit between my meals when I’m themost hungry just keep in mind that yourbody will need time to adjust if youchange your eating schedule but if doneproperly you should feel improved andconsistent levels of energy throughoutyour whole day now speaking about whenyou eat did you know that where you eatalso matters this study published in2021 analyzed the food environments ofover 8,000 households it found that oneof the strongest predictors of beingoverweight was eating meals in front ofa TV in addition to this a few otherinteresting Studies have shown thatslowing down your meal by taking morebites using Chopsticks or eating withsmaller utensils all has a powerfuleffect on reducing hunger andpotentially boosting fat loss Idisappointed my Asian mom by neverbecoming a doctor but you can imaginejust how excited she was when I told herI’d now be eating rice using herChopsticks and sitting down at the tablefor dinner but remember you got to takethings of moderation it’s okay to eatpopcorn while watching the movie orwatch my YouTube videos during theoccasional lunch break it’s just not agreat Habit to eat every single one ofyour meals in front of the screen so thestrategies I’ve shared with you so farshould help you get into a caliberdeficit but I don’t know if you guyshave ever seen the video where averagepeople try to keep up with aprofessional Marathon runner’s pace andend up falling off after like 20 secondsthat’s kind of like what it’s like ifyou completely change your dietovernight sure bodybuilders and hardcoreFitness guys like myself have no problemlosing fat fast if needed but you’llmake way more progress making just smallchanges at a time and aiming to loseeven just half a pound of fat everysingle week consistently rather thanlosing a pound or two on some weeks andthen gaining it all back again on otherweeks now as for how many calories is Rfor your body you can head over to ourcustom calculator over atbuiltwithsciencedocomo give you calories for faster fatloss or slower fat loss depending onwhat’s more realistic for you but justkeep in mind that you will mess up atsome point maybe you’ll binge e reallybad one night or maybe you’ll have acheat meal gone wrong and that’s okayit’s happened to me countless times onemeal or even a whole day of eating junkwon’t ruin your progress but if you findyourself cheating on your diet too oftenthen that’s often a sign that you needto make it more enjoyable for examplecan tuna is cheap it’s high protein andit’s low calorie but I can’t stand itand excluding it from my diet hasn’taffected my fat loss results at all onthe other hand I love certain Filipinodishes like chicken Adoba and C C sowhenever my mom makes them I always finda way to fit them in or sometimes I’lljust make healthier versions of themwithin our Bel programs we alsogive our members access to hundreds ofeasy tasty high protein recipes thatmake dieting so much easier but lookonline and just get experimenting createa diet you actually enjoy because that’swhat you’ll be more likely to stick toin the long run now while we’ve lookedat how to structure your meals and whatto put in them creating a healthy fatloss diet doesn’t have to be crazyexpensive in fact I created one of thecheapest fat loss meal buttons itincludes all the concepts we’vediscussed in this video and it only costaround $5 a day so make sure to watchthis video next to learn all about howto make the meals but if you need morehelp and you want an all-in-one programthat shows you exactly how to work outand what to eat every week to get in thebest shape of your life just head overto builtwith a quiz tocreate the best plan for you and your
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