he 2 types of belly fatbelly fat is really easy to gain yetoften the hardest area to lose andthere’s actually two types there’s thatannoying belly fat we all know thatcovers your abs but there’s also a moredangerous type of belly fat stored deepwithin your organs known as visceral fatwhich can create serious health problemsto find the most effective way to getrid of both types of belly fat I reachedout to five of the world’s mostqualified phalla scientists and came upwith five easy steps anyone can startdoing today to lose belly fat for theThe key to losing belly fat (Layne Norton)first and most important step I spoke tolay Norton scientific researcherChampion powerlifter and honestly just areally smart dude who calls out BS whenhe sees it so why is stored belly fat sodifficult to lose once again we don’tknow the exact scientific explanationfor that but it may have something to dowith the tissue being a little bit moremetabolically active than other forms ofstored body fat now the real question isis there any way around that well yeskinda of sadly even though we’d like tothink if we do a bunch of crutches andwork the area where the fat is stored itwill preferentially Target that fatthere is no evidence to support thatidea and it’s unlikely that that wouldmake a difference overall now there isresearch showing that exercise canreduce visceral fat without actuallycausing weight loss so it is a good ideato exercise in general but specificexercises are not going to Targetpreferentially belly fat per se I knowpeople don’t want to hear this the realkey to losing belly fat is just gettinginto a caloric deficit consistently anddoing it for long enough now the mostNutrition plan (Alan Aragon)effective way to create the caloriedeficit Lane talked about is bymodifying your diet that’s where ournext expert comes in Alan Aragon Allenis one of the world’s top nutritionresearchers and Educators with over 30years of success in the field herecommends first find out roughly howmany calories you eat in a day next findout how many calories you should beeating to lose fat which you can do byusing the free calculator I’ve made overat builtwithsize.com calculator thensimply try to close that Gap over timewith most of your Foods coming from thefollowing sourcesyou have to be eating the foods that youlike and look forward to people have anidea of what their20 favorite foods are that’s honestlythat that’s what they should be eatingthat’s what they should be eating ifpeople freak out when they hear that buthey man if you love the foods thatyou’re eating you’re gonna stick to yourdiet it helps to have an awareness ofthe food groups as well because when Isay your 20 favorite foods I mean your20 favorite foods that are reasonablyhealthy choices across the food groupsand there’s six of them there’s the themeat or the high protein groupthere’s the fat group there’s thefibrous vegetable group and there’s thestarch group and then there’s the milkgroup and then there’s the fruit groupso chooseyour three favorite foods across like ineach of those food groups choose yourthree favoritethree favorite ones you like the mostand there’s your diet man there’s yourdiet oh oh wait we have two two moreFoods left to get those 20 Foods chooseyour two favorite YOLO Foods your twofavorite desserts or whatever or whatyou like wine okay wine and freakingcookies or something you know browniesand ice cream whateverum and that’s a healthy diet right therethat’ll hold you down forfor life and not just a dieting phase Ilove that approach I’ve never actuallyheard somebody put it like thatum but now what about protein intake howimportant would you say protein intakeis for losing belly fat just losing fatin general protein intake adequateprotein is crucial among themacronutrients it helps you preservemuscle mass it’s the most potent thereofbecause it’sprotein is a muscle mass is protein andthis is sort of a side thing that’s alittle bit trivial but protein has thehighestenergetic cost of processing within thebodyand soum in you know in theory you take a adiet that’s a hundred percent proteinthen your body will spend about 30percent of those calories just trying toprocess it and and so it’s likethat’s not necessarily the case withcarbohydrate and fat this helps from thestandpoint ofum a a weight and fat loss perspectiveit doesn’t have to be a a tough thing toto try to accomplish even I mean on thelow end if you consume 1.6 grams perkilogram of body weight which is 0.7grams per pound of body weight then youare at an adequate starting point andthe last question I had is uh what aboutvisceral fat are there any kinds offoods that promote the storage ofvisceral fat and are therefoods that people can eat to avoidgetting that yeah man that is a greatquestion andresearchers have been fighting over theanswer to this question for a reallylong time okay so the overarching answerthat covers a lot of things is thatif you’re losing fatum or if you’re getting lean there’sreallyno concern about visceral fat because ifyou’re losing overall fat then visceralfat is diminishing as well it’s not likethat’s gonna hold steady you knowprinciple number twois thatvisceral fat is mainly a concern forpeople who arewho are gaining fat and um there’sactually a study by rosquist andcolleagues where they compared whattypes of dietary fat most influencevisceral fat they compare topolyunsaturated fat source with asaturated fat Source it was a hypercaloric experiment which where thesubjects were eating more calories andthe saturated fat Rich diet thatresulted in in Greater visceral fataccumulation than the polyunsaturatedfat Rich diet alright so you’ve got yournutrition plan but now let’s talk whatexercise as Lane mentioned earlierexercise can burn off that dangerousvisceral fat even if you don’t lose anyweight but the right type of exercisecan also help you avoid regaining bellyfat as soon as your diet is over toExercise plan (Eric Trexler)explain this is Eric Trexler Pro naturalbodybuilder and published scientist witha PhD in human movement science sousually when people are trying to losebelly fat but they automatically thinkthat they have to do a bunch of cardiobut how about resistance training likehow important is lifting weights forsomeone who’s interested in losing bellyfat so I’d say it’s really importantthere are some major benefits ofresistance training if you’re trying tolose belly fat and really just trying tolose fat in general so first of all ifyou’re lifting during this fat lossphase there’s a very high likelihoodthat you are going to reduce the amountof muscle loss that occurs during thatweight loss and that can be great greatfor two reasons so a lot of people whodon’t lift weights and just do fat lossthey often find that they end up lookingmore skinny and less shredded than theywere hoping at the end so retainingmuscle can be great for maintainingdefinition there’s also been some reallygood research in the last couple yearsindicating that the more muscle or themore lean mass you lose during a dietthe more hunger you tend to experiencelater on and the higher likelihood thatyou’re actually going to regain some ofthe fat that you lost later right andthen let’s say somebody is you knowlifting weights regularly how doescardio now fit into the picture I meanit definitely like has a lot of benefitsfor your health that lifting weightsdoesn’t necessarily provide but how muchdoes it help when trying to lose bellyfat the reality is you don’t need cardioin order to lose fat or to lose bellyfat but cardio can be a helpful thingand one of the reasons for that isenergy expenditure has a tendency to godown during a fat loss phase so ofcourse there will be some reductionnormally in resting metabolic rate butnon-exercise activity thermogenesis isanother really key thing that can changeduring a fat loss phase so non-exerciseactivity is basically everything thatexists between resting and doingstructured exercise so walking to themailbox walking around at your work oryour schoolum you know anything that fits betweenthose two extremes of exercising onpurpose office and uh you know just kindof totally resting It’s usually thesecond biggest contributor to Totaldaily energy expenditure for most peopleand so unfortunately when we diet a lotof people notice their non-exerciseactivity thermogenesis goes down prettysignificantly uh so cardio can be areally helpful thing in keeping yourexpenditure higher when thatnon-exercise activity starts to go downover time so you’re just trying to kindof keep things steady by adding somecardio to the mix for some people it’seven just purely behavioral we mightjust say hey use the stairs instead ofthe elevator and park at the back of theparking lot instead of the front soeverything that that gets you movingcounts but even with proper nutritionthat exercise a recent 2022 study foundthere’s an often overlooked variablethat can still prevent you from losingHow sleep affects belly fat (Bill Campbell)belly fat to explain this study isexercise science professor and bodycomposition researcher Bill Campbellthat this new study was very unique inthat it was the first ever investigationto assess a lack of sleep and how itaffects where body fat is stored theytook 12 healthy males and females who onaverage slept about seven and a halfhours per night they had these subjectslive in a research sleep lab and thenplace them into two different sleepconditions the first condition was asleep restricted condition where theywere allowed to sleep only four hoursper nightthe other condition was a normal sleepcondition where they were allowed tosleep nine hours per nightand during this entire process they wereallowed to eat as much and whatever foodthey wanted to eatso after two weeks in each conditionhere’s what happenedthe Sleep restricted subjects on averageconsumed 300 more calories per day andthey gained about a pound of body weightwhen compared to the subjects when theywere in the normal sleep stagebut here’s where things get reallyinteresting the subjects that were sleeprestricted they gained eight percentmore subcutaneous body fat and then thenormal sleep condition they only gainedabout four percentthe other part of our bellies thatstores fat is called the visceral regionor visceral body fat and that’s thedangerous body fat because that’sassociated with a lot of adverse Healthoutcomesthe Sleep restricted condition caused anincrease in 11 of this visceral body fatand the normal sleep condition theydidn’t gain anynow again we would expect they had theyate more caloriesthey gained a little bit more bodyweight so we would expect a little bitof a gain in body fat but not nearly tothe extent that we saw as it waslocalized to the belly region to theabdominal regionso this study suggests that there may bea link to sleep restrictionleading to overeating which causes again in body fat that is preferentiallystored in the belly regionso my takeaway from this is to make surethat you prioritize sleepI would suggest that you get about sevenhours per night and that you do notOverlook the importance of thisnow I know some of you might be thinkingokay well the subjects were overeatingwhat about if I’m still in a caloriedeficit this sleep still matter as muchand that’s a valid question and a 2010study actually tested this researchersput two groups of subjects on a weightloss diet with the same amount ofcalories the only difference was onegroup slept eight and a half hours pernight while the other group slept onlyfive and a half hours per night theresult both groups lost a similar amountof total weight both groups also didlose some muscle because they weren’tlifting weights but the well-slappedgroup lost 1.6 times less muscle andlost 2.3 times more fat than the Sleeprestricted group suggesting that a lackof sleep alone may in fact lead to moremuscle loss and less fat loss during adiet so you’ve now got all the tools youWhy most people fail (Laurin Conlin)need to lose belly fat but there’s onemore thing you need to add to your plantfailure to do this is why so many peoplestart out strong yet never end upsuccessfully losing their belly fatLauren conlon a master coach exercisescientist and ifbb bikini Pro will helpexplain what this missing piece is allright let’s go through what commonlyhappens so a client is going to obsessover losing belly fat even if they haveseen some changes on the scale or seenimprovements in other areas of the bodysince there hadn’t been much change intheir belly fat they are going to feellike what they’re doing isn’t working orit’s not happening fast enough someclients are just going to give up rightthen While others are going to slashtheir calories or increase their cardiothis increase in their deficit istypically unsustainable though sothey’re going to fall off plan andinevitably quit first it’s important torecognize that unless genetically youhave little body fat on your abs andcore area that you will probably need toget leaner than you’d think to losebelly fat for many people the belly isthe last area we’re going to see fatcome off but in the meantime you can payattention and be proud of the progressyou’ve made in other areas like yourface and your shoulders and your legsand trust that if you remain patient buteventually you’ll start to see more andmore progress in these problematic andstubborn areas second take multiplemeasures of progress you can use scaleweight and measurements as quantitativefeedback but we also want to look atqualitative feedback such as how yourclothes are fitting how you’re lookingand how much better that you’re feelingdon’t just obsess over your belly andand lastly and probably most importantlyout of this entire video be patient andrecognize that you’re usually quittingright before it gets good okay itdoesn’t matter how perfect your programis unless you are patient and remainconsistent you are shortchangingyourself and your resultsyou owe it to yourself to make thischange so don’t give up follow or createa great program adjust it when it’snecessary and take your time your bellyfat didn’t get there overnight so you’renot gonna lose it in a few weeks eitherI want to give a huge thank you to allfive of the experts who help with thevideo Guys these five truly are the bestof the best I’ve been following andlooking up to them for many years eversince I started my own fitness journeyso being able to interview them andshare their work with you guys is suchan honor and I put links to all theirsocial media websites down below so youcan go give them a follow and if you’reinterested in joining a science-basedplan to transform your body asefficiently as possible just take myfree quiz at builtwoodside.com and I’lllet you know what program is best foryou and your body give this video awatch next for an exercise plan that canhelp speed up that loss and I’ll see you
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