HOW I GOT SHREDDED (no, i’m NOT a Fitness Influencer

my fitness journey [CINEMATIC]it was about a year ago i told myself that  this is just how i want to live my life  i was motivated to hit my fitness  goals in terms of how i look  but i quickly realized that before any of that  happened i needed a complete mindset shifti honestly had no idea how much  this would actually impact my lifeyou see this was me about five years ago  i had no intentionality of what i ate  i was drinking way too much i  had no consistent workout routine  and i was dealing with a ton of  anxiety and health issues as welland this is me now about 25 pounds lighter  and feeling better than i ever have  before both mentally and physicallythis is my story on how i made this  transformation and a call to you  to begin this journey for yourselfintro & disclaimeri wanted to share with you guys my fitness  journey and how it’s impacted my life in  not just how i look but as well how i feel  how creative i feel how motivated i feel  even just my overall happiness believe it  or not it actually makes a huge difference  what you eat and how active you are it plays a  massive role in every other aspect of your life  so thanks so much for being here and tuning in to  this video this one definitely means a lot to me  and i’m just super excited to share this with  you guys so first of all in the fitness world  there’s so much information out there when you’re  just trying to find basic simple information on  how to lose weight how to get in shape it can  be really confusing when i started all of this  a little over a year ago i went through months  of doing research and trying to figure all of  it out only to discover it’s actually a lot  simpler than i was making it before we begin  just as a disclaimer i do want to say i’m not a  doctor i’m definitely not your doctor and all of  this information that i’m providing you is just  based on my experience in all of the research  that i’ve done over the last few months and year  or so if you need to talk to your doctor about a  change in your diet or exercise do that as well i  think that goes without saying but i’m gonna say  it anyways also if you are subject to any eating  disorders or if you’ve struggled with any type  of eating disorders in the past this video may  not be for you i do discuss tracking calories  and being very attentive to what you eat so if  any of that kind of stuff is triggering for you  definitely watch another video and i wish you  all the best so with that said let’s begin so how  the ONLY WAY to LOSE WEIGHTdid i transform my body from looking like this to  looking like this well the first and main part is  my diet and then the second part is exercise now  the only way to lose weight is to be in a caloric  deficit believe it or not you could actually  lose weight if you only ate mcdonald’s if the  calories you ate from mcdonald’s were less than  the calories you were burning on any given day  over a long period of time so the trick  here is to be as accurate as possible in  both your calories expended the calories out  versus the calories in what you’re eating  how to track OUT calorieslet’s start with that first piece of how do i  accurately track the calories i’m burning now if  you do a quick google search you might find some  type of calculator that you can put in your age  and your height and your weight and how much you  work out and it’s going to spit out a number of  estimated calories you’re burning let me tell you  right now none of it’s accurate because none of  it really actually knows how hard you’re working  out if you’re super fidgety when you’re driving  all the different things that you’re doing that  burn calories and add to that caloric expenditure  what i have found is the best way to see what is  my total calories burned in any given day is using  some kind of fitness tracker now i personally use  the apple watch and the fitness app on your iphone  actually gives you a complete overview of  active as well as resting calories combined  which gives you that magic number every single day  of the total calories i’ve burned but you can then  use that number to determine how many calories  you’re going to eat and how much of a deficit you  want to create now one of the things that i do is  wear it pretty much non-stop the reason why i wear  it all day is because it’s constantly tracking  my heart rate and then when i work out you can  tell it what type of workout you’re doing and  i’ll still say that that number’s not a hundred  percent accurate but this is pretty close and i  can attest to the fact that over months and months  of tracking this versus what i’m eating i’ve seen  the results and lost the weight so if you already  have an apple watch or if you have the ability to  get one or some type of fitness tracker that will  show you your active and resting calories that you  burn every day this is going to be one of the best  and simplest ways to track how many calories  you’re burning if you don’t know this number  it’s very very challenging to try and estimate  how many calories you’re burning if you get on  a treadmill that treadmill is going to spit out  some number of calories you burned it’s almost  always going to be overestimating i would highly  highly recommend this i promise you this will make  a huge huge difference so now that we know how  to accurately track the calories we’re burning  how to track IN calorieslet’s now discuss how do i track the calories that  i’m eating i personally use the app my fitness pal  and everything i eat every day i add to this app  this gives me a total daily number of calories  i’m eating as well as the macro and micronutrient  breakdown of all of that food in conjunction with  my fitness pal i also use a food scale and weigh  almost everything i eat now you might be thinking  to yourself oh my gosh brian you’re telling me to  weigh my food but this is amazing because it means  you just can’t lie to yourself there’s no one else  that’s putting food in your mouth except for you  so you’ve got to be super honest with like okay  this is exactly what i’m eating i can’t be like  well let me just round down a little bit on the  chips i ate if you want to be as accurate as you  can this is going to give you a pretty accurate  number and then again you know exactly what you’re  eating versus what you’re burning from there you  create that calorie deficit and you do that over  a period of months you will lose the weight but i  will say this is why a lot of people fail they’re  working out super hard and maybe they’re even  tracking all those expended calories but they  have no idea what they’re eating for example one  oreo cookie is like 50 calories i could easily  eat 10 oreo cookies in a matter of like maybe 5  minutes that’s 500 calories it would take me about  an hour or so of running to burn 500 calories you  can work out and burn a bunch and still out eat  all of those expanded calories apple watch my  fitness pal will get you started in the right  direction and how accurate you want to be is  going to really impact how quickly you see  the results in terms of losing weight burning  that body fat and getting shredded most of the  what is the best CALORIE DEFICIT RANGE per day?research i’ve done recommends somewhere between  a 300 to 500 calorie deficit and this is pretty  easy to maintain around 300 calorie deficit you  probably won’t even notice much of it you’re not  gonna feel super hungry and you’re gonna slowly  see the weight drop over time you just have to be  consistent with it one thing to keep in mind when  using the apple watch you’ll want to update the  health app with your current weight as you lose  the weight to ensure the accuracy of calories  you’re expending every day and continue creating a  calorie deficit for me personally i started around  like a 500 calorie deficit and for me right now  i usually do a more steep deficit during the week  like around 800 to sometimes a thousand calories  and then on the weekends i like to enjoy my life a  little bit more have some maintenance days where  i hit the maintenance calories that i’m burning  and maybe have one day what you might call a cheat  day but i don’t like the word cheat because it’s  like you’re doing something wrong but just have  what i would call a surplus day where i eat and  not worry so much about the calories that i’m  eating and just enjoy food enjoy my life and  it’s super super important to have days like that  especially if you’re in this for the long term and  the whole point of this is to really find a plan  that works for you that you can stick to long term  what’s amazing is you can truly eat like whatever  you want i personally eat pretty much whatever i  want as long as i maintain a calorie deficit i can  maintain a pretty low body fat percentage so what  i would recommend for you is to start slow and  somewhere between three to 500 calorie deficit  again if you’re tracking those out calories versus  in you can easily do that throughout the day  over time if you’re also obviously tracking  your weight you’re gonna start to see that  scale go down it all seems like a lot of work  at first but the more you do it like right now  i’ve done this for over a year and i don’t  even think about it it’s so it’s easy to dowhat about tracking MACROS?now what about tracking macros which is carbs  fats and proteins for me i just make sure i hit  my protein gold i weigh about 165 pounds so i  try and eat around 165 grams of protein per day  the research i’ve done recommends anywhere  between 0.6 1 gram of protein per pound of  body weight again my fitness pal is going to  help break all that down for you i will say  protein is just super filling so if you have  it with every meal you’re going to stay fuller  longer it also helps you to build muscle and  retain the muscle that you have so make sure you  hit your protein goals my macro split usually  looks like 40 protein 40 carbs and about 20  fat that’s just what works for me if you want to  do more keto friendly or a little bit more carb  heavy or a little bit less protein work it out  experiment try things see what works best for you  just try and eat protein eat it and hit those  protein goals i can’t stress that enough and  it’s a very important macronutrient that every  human body needs to live a sustainable long life  the EASIEST way to maintain a CALORIE DEFICITmy main tip for you to maintain a calorie  deficit is tighten up the window in which  you’re eating one might call this intermittent  fasting i personally do this i usually stop  eating every night at around 11 or 12 and i  usually don’t start eating until the next day  at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon if you only  have 8 hours to eat 2 000 calories is going to  feel like you’re eating like a king and it’s a  very effective way to maintain a calorie deficit  what about WORKING OUT?!with all of that said that’s like 80 percent of  losing weight you could be a sedentary person and  if you’re tracking the calories you’re expending  and you’re eating in a caloric deficit and you’re  not active at all you’re still going to lose  weight so that other extra piece is exercise  fitness working out now for me personally i work  out six days a week with about 60 to 80 minutes of  strength training and then another 30 minutes to  an hour sometimes every day of cardio so most days  i’m working out for a minimum of two hours now  this is a lot i don’t recommend you go and start  working out tomorrow six days a week two hours a  day it’s just something i’ve slowly progressed to  and i just love it it’s a massive mental challenge  for me and i find that the mental challenge  really transcends into other aspects  of my life where i can be more focused  more creative working out also helps you more  easily create a calorie deficit as well as build  strengthen and define muscle i’m not going to get  into a bunch of specifics on my workout routines  all that maybe i’ll make another video on  that but that over a long period of time  with the calorie deficit hitting the protein  goals you can get pretty shredded the thing is  you can definitely lose weight and get down to  like 12 13 body fat but to get then lower to like  under 10 it just takes time you have to be  really consistent over a long period of time  my ADVICE on CONSISTENCYone of my biggest tips for you is do not depend  on motivation or inspiration you might be watching  this video and be like you know what yeah i’m i’m  inspired i watch this video i’m gonna start this  fitness journey i’m gonna get in shape well guess  what two weeks from now you’re probably not gonna  feel that same motivational whatever you’re  not gonna feel that way and while it’s great  to be inspired you’re for sure gonna have days  where the last thing you wanna do is work out  and eat in a caloric deficit whatever it might  be and if you’ve been depending on the motivation  as some indicator to work out or eat right well  when that’s not there guess what you’re going to  fall back into your old habits when you don’t feel  motivated you don’t feel inspired to do it when  you do it anyways what happens is you start to  reprogram your mind and build in those good habits  and that growth only happens when you push through  on the days you don’t feel like doing it focus on  consistency over a long period of time once you  get past that 30 day mark that 90 day mark six  months into it you’re not fighting the mental  stuff as much anymore of like i’ll just skip  today or i’ll just uh i’ll just go out to eat  today and that’s been super helpful for me i  started this whole journey saying this is just how  i live now this isn’t some 30-day challenge for me  or some 90-day thing some three-month  thing this is how i’m gonna live my life  what i’ve LEARNED through all of thisi promise you this is super simple stuff but it  works it truly works don’t look for some quick  fix it’s consistency over a long period of time  stick to it and before you know it all of these  new habits are gonna feel good you’re gonna love  the workouts you’re gonna love eating better i had  lots of anxiety in 2018 2019 and i am in much more  control of the mental health aspects so this isn’t  just about looking fit it’s how you feel how happy  you are how content you are with life through all  of this journey this is probably the biggest thing  that i’ve learned and i’ll leave you guys with  this i actually wrote it in my phone so i’ll read  it to you guys here the choices you make each day  slowly weave a tapestry that creates how you live  feel and experience life it’s so so important that  you’re very intentional with every single day in  what you’re doing and it’s not necessarily just  about fitness and nutrition but these two things  play a huge role i hope you’re inspired by this  video to go start this journey for yourself if  you’re gonna start this thing see yourself six  months from now still at it still learning  still growing and truly embrace the journey  view your body more as a river that ebbs and flows  as opposed to some math problem you have to solve  i know we’re talking about calorie deficits and  the numbers of calories you’re burning versus what  you’re eating but your body isn’t a math problem  your body is constantly changing so you have to  be okay with the fact that along this journey as  you lose weight it’s not going to be this linear  path it’s going to have its ups and downs so be  patient and forgiving with yourself that’s super  super important if you enjoyed this video don’t  forget to like and subscribe check the link in  the description for all sorts of goodies follow me  on other social medias i’ve got instagram i’ve got  tick tock with my wife ally can’t thank you guys  enough for watching and i’ll see you on the next  video peace just wanted to say thank you guys all  again so much for watching this video i definitely  last, but NOT leasthope you got something from it also i wanted  to give a massive shout out to my incredible  wife ally who was basically the cinematographer  for all of those cinematic shots in the intro  of this video and she has been so so helpful not  only in just helping me film this video but just  as i began this journey a year ago with  the nutrition and the fitness and stuff  she’s just been so incredibly supportive through  all of it she’s incredible so definitely check  the link in the description go give her a follow  over on instagram she’s also uh on youtube here  as well also all of the music used in this video  was actually written produced mixed and mastered  by me i’m super happy with how the music came out  if you want to use this music for one of your next  video projects hit the link in the description  and go to we offer some of  

How to ACTUALLY Lose Belly Fat (Based on Science

he 2 types of belly fatbelly fat is really easy to gain yetoften the hardest area to lose andthere’s actually two types there’s thatannoying belly fat we all know thatcovers your abs but there’s also a moredangerous type of belly fat stored deepwithin your organs known as visceral fatwhich can create serious health problemsto find the most effective way to getrid of both types of belly fat I reachedout to five of the world’s mostqualified phalla scientists and came upwith five easy steps anyone can startdoing today to lose belly fat for theThe key to losing belly fat (Layne Norton)first and most important step I spoke tolay Norton scientific researcherChampion powerlifter and honestly just areally smart dude who calls out BS whenhe sees it so why is stored belly fat sodifficult to lose once again we don’tknow the exact scientific explanationfor that but it may have something to dowith the tissue being a little bit moremetabolically active than other forms ofstored body fat now the real question isis there any way around that well yeskinda of sadly even though we’d like tothink if we do a bunch of crutches andwork the area where the fat is stored itwill preferentially Target that fatthere is no evidence to support thatidea and it’s unlikely that that wouldmake a difference overall now there isresearch showing that exercise canreduce visceral fat without actuallycausing weight loss so it is a good ideato exercise in general but specificexercises are not going to Targetpreferentially belly fat per se I knowpeople don’t want to hear this the realkey to losing belly fat is just gettinginto a caloric deficit consistently anddoing it for long enough now the mostNutrition plan (Alan Aragon)effective way to create the caloriedeficit Lane talked about is bymodifying your diet that’s where ournext expert comes in Alan Aragon Allenis one of the world’s top nutritionresearchers and Educators with over 30years of success in the field herecommends first find out roughly howmany calories you eat in a day next findout how many calories you should beeating to lose fat which you can do byusing the free calculator I’ve made overat calculator thensimply try to close that Gap over timewith most of your Foods coming from thefollowing sourcesyou have to be eating the foods that youlike and look forward to people have anidea of what their20 favorite foods are that’s honestlythat that’s what they should be eatingthat’s what they should be eating ifpeople freak out when they hear that buthey man if you love the foods thatyou’re eating you’re gonna stick to yourdiet it helps to have an awareness ofthe food groups as well because when Isay your 20 favorite foods I mean your20 favorite foods that are reasonablyhealthy choices across the food groupsand there’s six of them there’s the themeat or the high protein groupthere’s the fat group there’s thefibrous vegetable group and there’s thestarch group and then there’s the milkgroup and then there’s the fruit groupso chooseyour three favorite foods across like ineach of those food groups choose yourthree favoritethree favorite ones you like the mostand there’s your diet man there’s yourdiet oh oh wait we have two two moreFoods left to get those 20 Foods chooseyour two favorite YOLO Foods your twofavorite desserts or whatever or whatyou like wine okay wine and freakingcookies or something you know browniesand ice cream whateverum and that’s a healthy diet right therethat’ll hold you down forfor life and not just a dieting phase Ilove that approach I’ve never actuallyheard somebody put it like thatum but now what about protein intake howimportant would you say protein intakeis for losing belly fat just losing fatin general protein intake adequateprotein is crucial among themacronutrients it helps you preservemuscle mass it’s the most potent thereofbecause it’sprotein is a muscle mass is protein andthis is sort of a side thing that’s alittle bit trivial but protein has thehighestenergetic cost of processing within thebodyand soum in you know in theory you take a adiet that’s a hundred percent proteinthen your body will spend about 30percent of those calories just trying toprocess it and and so it’s likethat’s not necessarily the case withcarbohydrate and fat this helps from thestandpoint ofum a a weight and fat loss perspectiveit doesn’t have to be a a tough thing toto try to accomplish even I mean on thelow end if you consume 1.6 grams perkilogram of body weight which is 0.7grams per pound of body weight then youare at an adequate starting point andthe last question I had is uh what aboutvisceral fat are there any kinds offoods that promote the storage ofvisceral fat and are therefoods that people can eat to avoidgetting that yeah man that is a greatquestion andresearchers have been fighting over theanswer to this question for a reallylong time okay so the overarching answerthat covers a lot of things is thatif you’re losing fatum or if you’re getting lean there’sreallyno concern about visceral fat because ifyou’re losing overall fat then visceralfat is diminishing as well it’s not likethat’s gonna hold steady you knowprinciple number twois thatvisceral fat is mainly a concern forpeople who arewho are gaining fat and um there’sactually a study by rosquist andcolleagues where they compared whattypes of dietary fat most influencevisceral fat they compare topolyunsaturated fat source with asaturated fat Source it was a hypercaloric experiment which where thesubjects were eating more calories andthe saturated fat Rich diet thatresulted in in Greater visceral fataccumulation than the polyunsaturatedfat Rich diet alright so you’ve got yournutrition plan but now let’s talk whatexercise as Lane mentioned earlierexercise can burn off that dangerousvisceral fat even if you don’t lose anyweight but the right type of exercisecan also help you avoid regaining bellyfat as soon as your diet is over toExercise plan (Eric Trexler)explain this is Eric Trexler Pro naturalbodybuilder and published scientist witha PhD in human movement science sousually when people are trying to losebelly fat but they automatically thinkthat they have to do a bunch of cardiobut how about resistance training likehow important is lifting weights forsomeone who’s interested in losing bellyfat so I’d say it’s really importantthere are some major benefits ofresistance training if you’re trying tolose belly fat and really just trying tolose fat in general so first of all ifyou’re lifting during this fat lossphase there’s a very high likelihoodthat you are going to reduce the amountof muscle loss that occurs during thatweight loss and that can be great greatfor two reasons so a lot of people whodon’t lift weights and just do fat lossthey often find that they end up lookingmore skinny and less shredded than theywere hoping at the end so retainingmuscle can be great for maintainingdefinition there’s also been some reallygood research in the last couple yearsindicating that the more muscle or themore lean mass you lose during a dietthe more hunger you tend to experiencelater on and the higher likelihood thatyou’re actually going to regain some ofthe fat that you lost later right andthen let’s say somebody is you knowlifting weights regularly how doescardio now fit into the picture I meanit definitely like has a lot of benefitsfor your health that lifting weightsdoesn’t necessarily provide but how muchdoes it help when trying to lose bellyfat the reality is you don’t need cardioin order to lose fat or to lose bellyfat but cardio can be a helpful thingand one of the reasons for that isenergy expenditure has a tendency to godown during a fat loss phase so ofcourse there will be some reductionnormally in resting metabolic rate butnon-exercise activity thermogenesis isanother really key thing that can changeduring a fat loss phase so non-exerciseactivity is basically everything thatexists between resting and doingstructured exercise so walking to themailbox walking around at your work oryour schoolum you know anything that fits betweenthose two extremes of exercising onpurpose office and uh you know just kindof totally resting It’s usually thesecond biggest contributor to Totaldaily energy expenditure for most peopleand so unfortunately when we diet a lotof people notice their non-exerciseactivity thermogenesis goes down prettysignificantly uh so cardio can be areally helpful thing in keeping yourexpenditure higher when thatnon-exercise activity starts to go downover time so you’re just trying to kindof keep things steady by adding somecardio to the mix for some people it’seven just purely behavioral we mightjust say hey use the stairs instead ofthe elevator and park at the back of theparking lot instead of the front soeverything that that gets you movingcounts but even with proper nutritionthat exercise a recent 2022 study foundthere’s an often overlooked variablethat can still prevent you from losingHow sleep affects belly fat (Bill Campbell)belly fat to explain this study isexercise science professor and bodycomposition researcher Bill Campbellthat this new study was very unique inthat it was the first ever investigationto assess a lack of sleep and how itaffects where body fat is stored theytook 12 healthy males and females who onaverage slept about seven and a halfhours per night they had these subjectslive in a research sleep lab and thenplace them into two different sleepconditions the first condition was asleep restricted condition where theywere allowed to sleep only four hoursper nightthe other condition was a normal sleepcondition where they were allowed tosleep nine hours per nightand during this entire process they wereallowed to eat as much and whatever foodthey wanted to eatso after two weeks in each conditionhere’s what happenedthe Sleep restricted subjects on averageconsumed 300 more calories per day andthey gained about a pound of body weightwhen compared to the subjects when theywere in the normal sleep stagebut here’s where things get reallyinteresting the subjects that were sleeprestricted they gained eight percentmore subcutaneous body fat and then thenormal sleep condition they only gainedabout four percentthe other part of our bellies thatstores fat is called the visceral regionor visceral body fat and that’s thedangerous body fat because that’sassociated with a lot of adverse Healthoutcomesthe Sleep restricted condition caused anincrease in 11 of this visceral body fatand the normal sleep condition theydidn’t gain anynow again we would expect they had theyate more caloriesthey gained a little bit more bodyweight so we would expect a little bitof a gain in body fat but not nearly tothe extent that we saw as it waslocalized to the belly region to theabdominal regionso this study suggests that there may bea link to sleep restrictionleading to overeating which causes again in body fat that is preferentiallystored in the belly regionso my takeaway from this is to make surethat you prioritize sleepI would suggest that you get about sevenhours per night and that you do notOverlook the importance of thisnow I know some of you might be thinkingokay well the subjects were overeatingwhat about if I’m still in a caloriedeficit this sleep still matter as muchand that’s a valid question and a 2010study actually tested this researchersput two groups of subjects on a weightloss diet with the same amount ofcalories the only difference was onegroup slept eight and a half hours pernight while the other group slept onlyfive and a half hours per night theresult both groups lost a similar amountof total weight both groups also didlose some muscle because they weren’tlifting weights but the well-slappedgroup lost 1.6 times less muscle andlost 2.3 times more fat than the Sleeprestricted group suggesting that a lackof sleep alone may in fact lead to moremuscle loss and less fat loss during adiet so you’ve now got all the tools youWhy most people fail (Laurin Conlin)need to lose belly fat but there’s onemore thing you need to add to your plantfailure to do this is why so many peoplestart out strong yet never end upsuccessfully losing their belly fatLauren conlon a master coach exercisescientist and ifbb bikini Pro will helpexplain what this missing piece is allright let’s go through what commonlyhappens so a client is going to obsessover losing belly fat even if they haveseen some changes on the scale or seenimprovements in other areas of the bodysince there hadn’t been much change intheir belly fat they are going to feellike what they’re doing isn’t working orit’s not happening fast enough someclients are just going to give up rightthen While others are going to slashtheir calories or increase their cardiothis increase in their deficit istypically unsustainable though sothey’re going to fall off plan andinevitably quit first it’s important torecognize that unless genetically youhave little body fat on your abs andcore area that you will probably need toget leaner than you’d think to losebelly fat for many people the belly isthe last area we’re going to see fatcome off but in the meantime you can payattention and be proud of the progressyou’ve made in other areas like yourface and your shoulders and your legsand trust that if you remain patient buteventually you’ll start to see more andmore progress in these problematic andstubborn areas second take multiplemeasures of progress you can use scaleweight and measurements as quantitativefeedback but we also want to look atqualitative feedback such as how yourclothes are fitting how you’re lookingand how much better that you’re feelingdon’t just obsess over your belly andand lastly and probably most importantlyout of this entire video be patient andrecognize that you’re usually quittingright before it gets good okay itdoesn’t matter how perfect your programis unless you are patient and remainconsistent you are shortchangingyourself and your resultsyou owe it to yourself to make thischange so don’t give up follow or createa great program adjust it when it’snecessary and take your time your bellyfat didn’t get there overnight so you’renot gonna lose it in a few weeks eitherI want to give a huge thank you to allfive of the experts who help with thevideo Guys these five truly are the bestof the best I’ve been following andlooking up to them for many years eversince I started my own fitness journeyso being able to interview them andshare their work with you guys is suchan honor and I put links to all theirsocial media websites down below so youcan go give them a follow and if you’reinterested in joining a science-basedplan to transform your body asefficiently as possible just take myfree quiz at and I’lllet you know what program is best foryou and your body give this video awatch next for an exercise plan that canhelp speed up that loss and I’ll see you

The Best Meal Plan To Lose Fat Faster (EAT LIKE THIS!)

if you’ve watched any of my pastnutrition videos or even attempted adiet of your own then you’re probablyaware of the notion that at the end ofthe day for weight loss it’s all aboutcalories in versus calories out as longas you’re eating at a calorie deficitand ideally having enough protein aswell then you’re going to successfullylose weight and strip off fat regardlessof what and when you eat now whilescientifically speaking this is true andit is the basic law of thermodynamicswhat this simplistic model fails toaccount for is how the various foods youput into your body actually then goabout affecting these two variablesbecause research has shown that whileyes at the end of the day calories arewhat matter most if you want to trulylose fat as efficiently and as quicklyas possible then you need to go beyondjust calories and instead pay closeattention to the types of foods thatmake up the calories you’re ingestingevery day and also how you go aboutingesting them as that’s what makes allthe difference in this video i’ll gothrough three swaps that you’ll want tomake in your diet that accounts forthose variables and can enable you tolose fat faster and then i’ll provideyou with a sample meal plan that putsall this together for you the first swapSwap 1 Minimally Processedyou want to make with your diet is tostick them mostly with foods that havebeen minimally processed so for examplefoods like oats and multigrain bread asopposed to their refined counterpartssuch as cereal and white bread that havebeen stripped of most of their importantnutrients and fiber not only are theseless processed foods beneficial whendieting in the sense that they generallyprovide more nutrients and keep usfuller for longer but they also haveanother unique benefit that has to dowith something called the thermic effectof food which is the amount of caloriesthat our body burns to metabolize andactually use the foods that we ingestand one of the unique fat loss benefitsabout unprocessed foods is that in mostcases our body burns significantly morecalories when digesting unprocessedfoods than it does when compared totheir processed counterparts forinstance one study compared the caloricburn required to digest and metabolizetwo minimally processed sandwichesconsisting of whole grain bread and realcheddar cheese versus two highlyprocessed sandwiches that insteadconsisted of white bread and processedcheese although both meals consisted ofvirtually the same amount of totalcalories and protein the more processedsandwich had a 50lower thermic effect and as a result thebody burns significantly less caloriesdigesting it than it did with the wholegrain sandwiches similarly a six weekrandomized controlled trial has subjectsstick to a diet consisting of eitherless processed whole grain foods such asoats brown rice and whole grain breadversus a calorie and macronutrientequated diet consisting of moreprocessed refined grains instead such ascereal white rice and white bread whatthey found is that the group that stuckwith whole grain foods burned on averageroughly 100 more calories per day justfrom digesting and metabolizing theirfood than the processed food group didand to put this into perspective giventhat the average person burns roughly100 calories to jog a mile you’dessentially be doing the equivalent ofjogging an extra mile a day just bychoosing to incorporate whole grain lessprocessed foods as opposed to moreprocessed foods for most of your mealsand if you crunch the numbers over threemonths this simple change wouldtheoretically enable you to burn 2.5pounds more fat just by making thatswitch so yes wild calories are whatmatter most and while you definitelywill still burn fat despite eatingprocessed foods as long as you’re stillin a calorie deficit you can furtherinfluence the calories outside of theequation and potentially speed up thefat loss process by simply swappingthese foods for whole grain lessprocessed foods instead and let them dothe work for youDistribute Your Mealsnext let’s dive into how you then goabout distributing your meals throughoutthe day because while yes again yourtotal daily calorie intake is whatmatters most for fat loss it turns outthat the manner in which you distributethese calories throughout the day seemsto be more important than we’vepreviously been led to believeillustrating this is a recent 2020 paperand another similarly designed 2015paper that compared the effects of usinga more front heavy distribution approachby allocating more calories to breakfastversus a back heavy approach byallocating more calories to dinnerinstead what the researchers found isthat subjects using the front heavyapproach not only experiencedsignificantly less hunger andsignificantly less cravings for sweetsthroughout the day but they alsoexperience greater overall energy levelsmeaning that they were able to adhere tothe diet more easily and they likelyburn more calories throughout the dayfrom fidgeting walking and just movingmore in general because of theirincreased energy levels and in fact thisprotocol was also repeated in alongitudinal weight loss study whichfound that subjects using a front heavyapproach lost more weight decreasedtheir waist circumference to a greaterdegree and reported greater hungercontrol over a period of 12 weeks whencompared to a group that used a backheavy approach by simply swapping thebreakfast and dinner calories indicatingthat there does seem to be some indirectfat loss benefits to allocating morecalories to your meals early on in theday and this is something that ipersonally noticed as well i used to besomeone who would save a lot of mycalories from my evening meals because iknew that that’s when my cravings wouldreally hit but when i insteadexperimented with shifting more and morecalories to early on in the day and i’mat breakfast i found that not only didmy energy levels throughout the day andmy gym performance considerably improvedbut i also just wasn’t craving things asmuch at night because i just wasn’t ashungry now obviously this does vary forthe individual and may depend on whenyour workout takes place but regardlessi would highly suggest even if you’reintermittent fasting for example to atleast experiment with just shifting moreand more of your calories to your firstmeals of the day as this does seem tohave some unique benefits in terms ofenabling you to control your cravings toburn more calories and potentiallycreate greater fat less results in thelong run as a result now the last swapis something i’ve covered in my pastvideos and it’s to not only choosemostly unprocessed foods to include inyour diet but you want to also choosethe ones that are highly satiating andproven to do the best job at suppressingyour appetite as this will enable you tobetter adhere to your diet and minimizeany excess snacking you may be doingthroughout the day that’s sabotagingyour calorie deficit and based on thefindings from the satiety index whichexamined the effects of 38 differentcommon foods on hunger levels we canclearly see that on a calorie forcalorie comparison some options are justbetter than others when it comes tocontrolling your appetite for exampleeven with calories equated four simplyswapping whole grain bread for oatsinstead will provide a 25 greater effecton suppressing your hunger and similarlyswapping brown rice for whole grainpasta or boiled potatoes instead willprovide a 30 or 60 percent boost insatiation respectively so what i’dsuggest is look over the index andexperiment with swapping some of thesemore satiated foods into your diet andjust see how your body and appetiteresponds now to put everything togetherfor you let’s go through a sample mealplan that not only incorporates thesevarious tips for you but also tastesgreat i’ll use roughly 2 100 caloriesfor this meal plan but keep in mind thatyou want to adjust the portion sizesbased on what’s needed for you to be ata calorie deficit this is going to varyfor everyone so to start we’ll beallocating most of the calories towardsbreakfast with protein pancakes madecompletely of highly satiated minimallyprocessed foods for these first blendthe oats to make an oat flour and thenyou want to add the rest of theingredients into blend then simply cookthem over a pan and top them with peanutbutter sugar-free syrup sauteed applesor whatever you’d prefer[Music]for lunch we’ll be tapering down thecalories slightly but still stickingwith satiating unprocessed foods withbaked salmon boiled potatoes and a sideof sauteed asparagus[Music]then to keep you going until dinner youcan have an orange and can even plant ina protein shake as well depending onwhen your workout is and then for dinnerwe’ll continue tapering down thecalories slightly with baked chickenbreasts and a side of veggies roasted inolive oil[Music]and then after dinner to help satisfywhatever sweet cravings may have poppedup we’ll make a simple high proteingreek yogurt parfait consisting of zeropercent fat plain greek yogurt mixed inwith cinnamon and stevia for sweetnessand then top with frozen mixed berriesand a tablespoon of chia seeds supereasy to make yet extremely satisfying sohopefully that meal plan gives you alittle more insight into how you canstart planning your meals based on whati went through while still keepingeverything tasty and satisfying and justkeep in mind that although some of theswaps i mentioned here can definitelyhelp speed up the fat loss process justknow that at the end of the day adheringto a calorie deficit is what’s mostimportant so experiment with your dietOutroand stick to what you find works bestfor you and your lifestyle and for anall-in-one step-by-step program that notonly optimizes your weekly workouts foryou but also shows you how to structureand set up your diet with the rightfoods and in the right amount so thatyou can burn fat as efficiently and aseasily as possible with science andsimply head on over and take theanalysis quiz to discover which programis best for you and where your body iscurrently at anyways guys that is it fortoday thank you so much for watchinghope you’re all doing well please don’tforget to show your support by givingthe video a like leaving a comment downbelow as to what you’d like to see mecover next subscribe to the channel andturn in on notifications for the channelas well as this all really does help meout thank you so much everyone and see

How To Eat To Lose Belly Fat (3 STAGES!)

belly fat is really easy to gain butseems almost impossible to lose nowyou’re probably aware that your diet isthe key to losing fat from this area butyou likely have no idea where to startlet alone how to keep fallouts going forlong enough to get rid of the moststubborn areas today I’ll show you stepby step in three stages how to eat tostart losing fat and how to keep thatgoing until you successfully lost all ofyour belly fat and for goodbefore we dive into the three stages letme explain what these stages mean andwhy you need them in the first place soyou’re likely somewhere between a bodyfat of 15 and 25 or maybe even higherregardless of where you are right nowyou need to lose enough fat from otherareas of your body before your body willstart prioritizing burning off yourbelly fat for energy for most peoplethis starts to really happen around 15body fat by the time you reach around 12or 10 body fat your belly fat will bealmost completely gone now while yourdiet is key to achieving this the dietyou use to get you from let’s say 25 to15 most often won’t be enough to takeyou down to the next level of 12 thesame is true for going from 12 down toeven 10 as you get leaner and leanerthere’s certain things you need to beaware of and certain changes you shouldmake with your diet to prevent you fromgetting stuck and to prevent you fromlosing muscle let’s start with stage onethe first stage is designed tokick-start the fat loss process and keepit going until you get to about 15 bodyfat throughout this stage your hungerlevels will be low your risk of muscleloss will also be low andphysiologically it will be the easieststage to get through the stage isactually quite simple there’s only twofactors you need to focus on caloriesand protein let’s first talk aboutcalories you don’t need to completelycut out carbs sugar or any of yourfavorite foods all you need to do iscreate what’s known as an energy deficitto start forcing your body to burn bodyfat for energy you create this deficitby consuming less calories than yourbody Burns every day now to find theappropriate energy deficit for your bodytake your body weight in pounds andmultiply that by anywhere from 11 to 13.if you’re a taller individual younger ormore active go with the higher end ifyou’re shorter individual older or lessactive go with the lower end the numberyou get will be a rough estimate of theamount of calories you should eat everyday but to hit your goal calorie intakesome foods are better than others what Irecommend is focusing on what’s known aslow calorie density Foods these arefoods that for the amount of space theytake up in your stomach will only add arelatively low amount of calories toyour daily total for example here’s what200 calories of Oreos look like andhere’s what 200 calories of cereal lookslike for the same amount of calories youcould fill your stomach with a mountainfull of strawberries and carrots notonly that but since low calorie densityFoods tend to be unprocessed they alsotend to require more calories to burnand digest the more processed foods nowas for how much of a difference this canmake for fat loss a recent 2019 papertook 20 adults and first ran themthrough a diet consisting of only highcalorie density processed foods for twoweeks afterwards they switch them to adiet of low calorie density unprocessedfoods for two weeks in both conditionsthey were allowed to eat as much food asthey wanted the result the processedfoods diet led to almost 2 pounds ofweight gain once they switch theunprocessed diet however their dailycalorie intake dropped by over 500calories and they ended up losing overtwo pounds at the end of the stage I’llprovide a list of low calorie densityfood items for you to pick from butbefore that there is one more Factor youneed to pay attention to although eatingfewer calories in your body needs willhelp you lose weight you want as much ofthat weight loss to be from fat ratherthan muscle this is where protein comesin you need to start eating more of itin fact in studies where subjects go onthe same diet and lose the same amountof weight the ones who eat more proteinend up losing more fat and less muscleas for how much protein you should aimfor a good recommendation for relativelyheavier males in the stage who are at ahigher body fat is to eat one gram percentimeter over your height so if you’re175 centimeters tall you need to eataround 175 grams of protein per day withthe recipe calories coming from carbsand fats whereas if you’re a relativelylighter individual or closer to 15 bodyfat then you want to multiply your bodyweight in pounds by 0.8 and at a minimumeat that many grams of protein per daynow this might sound like a lot at firstbut as you’ll see it’s pretty easy to doif you choose the right protein sourcesso to apply this all take a look atthese lists here’s a list of some lowcalorie density unprocessed foods andhere’s a list with protein sourcesordered from highest to lowest in termsof how much protein they containrelative to their calories use theselists to build your meals throughout theday and try to have one lean proteinsource and at least one serving offruits and or veggies into each of yourmeals for example instead of a muffinfor breakfast have some egg whites withblueberries and oatmeal you definitelystill can have processed foods now andthen but just be mindful of your servingsizes and enjoy them in moderation soFocus only on calories and protein everyday and if you’re consistent you’ll beable to get your body fat all the waydown to 15 but at this point is whenyou’ll likely need to refine yourapproach to continue getting resultsbefore we dive into the next stage I’mcurious what stage are you currently inright now and what’s your goal body fatpercentage let me know in the commentsdown below and also let me know if whatI’m about to say later on in this videochanges your mind at all about your goalthis is where stage two comes in whichinvolves going from 15 down to 12 bodyfat by this point you’ll be hungrieryour fat loss will slow down and you’llbe at a slightly greater risk of muscleloss as a result this is where mostpeople get stuck there’s two things thatwill help you overcome this first youneed to get more precise with yourapproach from stage one as your bodyloses more and more fat your metabolismwill decrease and you’ll start burningfewer calories per day this is yourbody’s way of protecting its remainingfat Source this means the energy deficityou use in stage one to get down to 15body fat May no longer be enough to getyou down to 12 body fat to overcome thisif you haven’t yet been doing so youshould start tracking your daily calorieintake and doing so more carefully youmight not think this is necessary butresearch has shown the average personwill think they eat about429 less calories per day on averagethan they actually do so even if justtemporarily measure out your food to seehow many calories you’re actuallyconsuming and ensure you’re in an energydeficit second this stage is when you’llwant to start addressing your carb andfat intake take a look at this list ofcarbs and fats although healthy fats areneeded in your diet on a gram per grambasis fats contain more than twice asmany calories as carbs do because ofthis an effective approach is to keepyour protein intake high as is but loweryour daily fat intake to the lower endof what’s recommended for General Healththis is about 20 to 25 percent of yourdaily calorie intake as a result you’llnow have room to introduce more carbsinto your diet these extra carbs can notonly help you better manage your hungerlevels but they’ll also provide you withthe Boost and energy to support yourdaily activities and performance of thegym helping you burn more calories everyday and better maintain your muscle massmake these two weeks and if you’reconsistent you’ll be able to get down toaround 12 body fat this is where stagethree comes in this is the mostdifficult stage while consistency withwhat we mentioned earlier will be thekey to progressing through the stageit’s going to require more disciplineand sacrifice first off not only willyou very likely have to be accuratelytracking your calories every day you’llalso want to ensure your daily meals aremaking the best use of The Limitedcalories you have at this point yourhunger levels will be the highestthey’ve been so most of your mealsthroughout the day will need to comefrom high volume foods that will helpyou stay full for less calories I dohave a past video I made that shows themost effective high volume food swaps tomake which I’ll link at the end of thisvideo but this also means that you’llneed to be more disciplined when itcomes to social events and dining outyou don’t have to eliminate itcompletely but you will have to makewise choices when you’re out and makesure that you plan in advance for bigmeals out or for alcohol both of whichcan drastically increase your calorieintake without you even realizing itlastly ask yourself if the sacrificesare worth it in my opinion for mostnatural lifters a body fat of around 12to 15 percent is the most sustainablephysique it’s practical to maintain youget the health benefits of being leanerand you’ll still look great especiallyif you have a good amount of muscle onyou and well developed Abs from trainingthem while getting leaner than this yesit’s going to provide a bit moredefinition than cuts it not onlyrequires a lot more sacrifice but formany people that’s when daily energylevels and strength will start to benegatively effective and unlike ourbuilt with science member Patrick overhere who started off with a good amountof muscle you might actually not end upliking the way you look being reallylean if you haven’t yet built up muchmuscle so while you definitely can getto 10 body fat by pushing through withwhat you’ve learned at least considerhanging around at a higher level bodyfat first and be proud of how far you’vecome and realize that the extra pushjust may not be worth it especially ifyou can’t maintain itoverall guys the strategy when it comesto your nutrition is actually quitesimple the hard part is stayingconsistent with it you have to be clearabout what your goals are and then findwhat you personally enjoy and can stickto consistently in the long run and ifyou’re looking for step-by-step Guidancewith setting up your nutrition plan andfinding foods and meals that youactually look forward to eating everyday just head on over and take myanalysis quiz to discover the bestapproach for you and your body I’d alsohighly suggest that you give this videoa watch next for an exercise to help youspeed up the fat loss process or givethis video a watch next for some quickand easy fat loss food swaps you canmake into your diet right away

Top Dite Plan Fat Loss 202

the number one diet to lose fat I thinkI found it it’s tough to lose fat letalone keep it off but there’s a reasonwhy the old saying abs are revealed inthe kitchen is still around because it’strue unfortunately there’s a ridiculousamount of misinformation out there andeven the popular diets that work tend tohave more cons than Pros today I’msharing the size back diet that’s simpleeasy to stick to and just works here’severything you need to know first offyou must understand that all fat lossdiets regardless of what you call ithave one simple goal to get you into acalorie deficit where you’re eatingfewer calories than you burn every daybut in the diet I’ll be showing youtoday rather than cutting out Foods thefirst step is actually the opposite eatmore not just any food though I’mtalking about protein one studypublished back in 2005 had participantschange nothing else aside from eat twiceas much protein as they usually do you’dexpect since they were eating more theygain weight right well here’s whatactually happened after bumping up theirprotein intake the participants ended upeating 440 fewer calories every daywithout them even realizing it and aftersticking to their high protein diet for12 weeks they lost almost 10 lbs of fatnow as for why this happened part of itis because protein is extremely fillingtry to eat 400 calories worth of chickenbreast compared to a bowl of cereal andyou’ll be shocked with just how longeryou stay full for but the real power ofprotein is that when you’re in thecalorie deficit your body can choose toburn off either fat or muscle for energyeating enough protein ideally at least0.8 G per pound of your body weight perday it sends a powerful signal to yourbody to keep your muscle and burn offyour fat for energy this is why highprotein diets not only lead to more fatloss during the diet but have also beenshown to be more effective at preventingfat regain after the diet is overhowever don’t make the same mistake Idid and start having chicken brass forbreakfast lunch dinner and dessert youhave plenty of other options for examplehere’s what 30 G of different proteinsources actually looks like for everyone of your meals pick one that youactually enjoy so we’re going tocontinue the theme of eating more butnow with carbs so back when I wasattempting one of my first diets ever Iwent on and I saw apost from a rip bodybuilder sharing hisdiet he explained how he cut out all hiscarbs and basically ate just meat andveggies so the next day I give it a shotI cut up bread rice candy even ketchupanything that contains some form ofcarbs Now by day three of this I feltlike complete crap super low energy andmy gym performance sucked now afterabout a week I actually did end uplosing about 5 lb but I was confusedbecause I didn’t look or feel any betterwell this is why so when you cut outcarbs initially you’re going to lose aton of weight but this is because carbspull in water to your muscles so almostall of that initial weight loss is fromwater not a fat and the reason whycutting out carbs often that makes youfeel like crap is because they’re yourmain source of energy especially duringhigh intensity exercise now eventuallyyour body does adapt to this and learnsto use other sources for energy but theresearch is clear as long as you’re inthe calorie deficit and eating enoughprotein you’ll lose fat regardless of ifyou’re eating a ton of carbs or none atall so for me personally I’m halfFilipino and I grew up eating rice withalmost every meal so cutting them outcompletely just didn’t make any senseand you should have seen the look on mymom’s face what I told her I wouldn’t beeating rice for dinner that said thecalories from carbs add up fast ifyou’re currently overeating then youprobably will need to cut back on someof your carbs or at least choose lessprocessed carbs that can keep you Fullerfor less calories a good strategy Ipersonally use is saving most of mycarbs for before and after my workoutfor when I need the most energy and thenadd them into my other meals dependingon if I had the room for it I shouldprobably address the elephant in theroom which is my face I just got backfrom from Hawaii and I kid you not I hadthe most epic fight with a shark if youthink my face looks bad you should seewhat I did to Mr shark okay fine this iswhat actually happened happy all rightback to the diet all right so far we’vetalked a lot about protein and carbs butthere is one more food group we’ve yetto cover fats unlike carbs and proteinwhich only contain 4 calories per gramfats are much easier to overeat withbecause they contain more than doublethe calories at 9 calories per gram nowaside from the obvious fats likedesserts cupcakes or deep fried foodsthe real problems are often the hiddenfats that pack on the calories withoutus even noticing for example here’s what200 calories of salad dressing Mayocooking oil cream and butter actuallylook like I could easily scoop out acouple spoonfuls of peanut butter whenI’m feeling a bit peckish and that couldcompletely throw off my calorie intakefor the day but just like with carbs youshouldn’t completely cut out your fatsjust have them in moderation or try tomake swaps like using skin milk insteadof full cream spray oil instead ofcooking oil choosing less batty cuts ofmeats or using a lower calorie saladdress that’s said there are some highfat foods that I personally can’t livewithout comment below what yours are butfor me it’s Donuts we have amazingdoughnut recipes in our built with SIcookbook but still sometimes you justneed the real thing you don’t need tocompletely cudle anything from your dietthere’s ways to make them fit inmoderation so you need to include lotsof protein as well as some car cars andfats into your diet but how do you goabout actually applying this into yourmeals well let’s start off with what notto do this 2021 study had subjectsfollow a strict meal plan that I’ll puta screenshot of here the goal was to putthem in a calorie deficit and theyweren’t allowed to substitute any of thefoods they were given after 10 weeks theresults were great on average theparticipants lost about 7 lbs of fat buthere’s the catch as soon as the diet wasover most of them quickly regained thefat they lostthis is because sticking to strict mealplans doesn’t actually teach you theproper habits of sustaining fat loss inthe long run that’s why I love what’sknown as the balanced plate conceptinstead of rigidly planning out yourmeals most of your meals should looksomething like this first fill a quarterof your plate with a protein Source likethe ones I showed earlier next to keepyou full fill half of your plate withvegetables and or fruits and then lastlybalance out the last quarter of yourplate with either carbs Andor fats andhere’s some great options from each foodcategory that you can reference to startbuilding your own balance plates forexample for breakfast today I love eggsso I had a few of them as my mainprotein source with ketchup and thensome whole green bread with sugar-freeJam as my carbs and then some fruit inthe side and then for lunch I’m planningto have a balanced plate of extra leanground beef steamed veggies and a sideof hummus but you can also apply thisconcept when eating out I used to bethat guy at restaurants restrictingmyself to just salads or pretending Iwasn’t hungry so I could just stick tomy strict meal plan but instead offeeling restricted just tried to buildor order a meal that fits within thegeneral idea of having a balanced plateso far we’ve talked a lot about food butnow you’re probably wondering are thereany supplements you can take to shortcutthe process I’m sure you’ve seen yourfair share of supplement ads of rippedguys and girls making all kinds of crazypromises simply take two inner shred andone sh of vcan first thing in themorning and it’s like blow torch in yourfatwhile these companies have mastered theart of using Marketing sales to takeadvantage of people who don’t know anybetter their products are honestly abunch of BS for example I personallyspent hundreds of dollars on fat burnersback in the day yet the research isclear they’re basically just glorifiedcaffeine pills that spike your heartrate up a little bit to burn a smallamount of extra calories but doesn’t doanything actually meaningful for fatloss now while there are a fewlegitimate supplements that can help youfill in the gas from your diet such asthe omega-3 vitamin D and zinc there isone supplement that’s probably thesingle best fat loss tool you can investin illustrating this power is a studyfrom the British Journal of nutritionthat had a group of subjects firstcomplete a 4-we diet after the diet theysplit the subjects into two groups onegroup added a 30 G protein shake intotheir day whereas the other group didnot surprisingly the protein shake groupregained less fat after the diet wasover and also maintained a smaller wasteComforts so if you’re someone whostruggles to eat enough protein everyday then you need to make protein powderyour best friend as for which one is thebest the most regulated highest qualityprotein is called whe isolate now I dosell my own brand of whe isolate over atbuiltwith which I’ll admitis more on the pricey side because ofthe top quality and the 29 g of proteinyou get per scoop but regardless of ifyou get it from me or from somewhereelse I highly recommend making theinvestment so by now you should have agood idea as to what foods to include inyour diet but one factor most peopleOverlook is how often they eat I used tothink skipping meals was a great idea ifI didn’t eat much or just snack lightlythroughout the day I wouldn’t be gettingmany calories in and that would surelylead to a calorie deficit but thisquickly became a nasty cycle I’d end upfeeling like crap by the end of the dayand as soon as I finally ate somethingmy stomach would just be a bottomlesspit that never got satisfied generallyyou should avoid Ever Getting to a pointwhere you’re feeling dizzy have lowblood sugar and want to eat everythingins sight that’s it there is a populardiet called intermitted fasting whereyou don’t eat your first meal untilusually around 12:00 p.m. and then don’teat anything past 8:00 p.m. I’vepersonally used this in the past and itworked really well not because it’smagic but because it can make stick intoa calorie deficit Easier by fitting allyour meals into a smaller time windowbut nowadays I prefer a more regularschedule of eating with at least 3 tofour main meals per day spread out byaround 3 to 4 hours from each other andthen I’ll just add in one to two snacksor fruit between my meals when I’m themost hungry just keep in mind that yourbody will need time to adjust if youchange your eating schedule but if doneproperly you should feel improved andconsistent levels of energy throughoutyour whole day now speaking about whenyou eat did you know that where you eatalso matters this study published in2021 analyzed the food environments ofover 8,000 households it found that oneof the strongest predictors of beingoverweight was eating meals in front ofa TV in addition to this a few otherinteresting Studies have shown thatslowing down your meal by taking morebites using Chopsticks or eating withsmaller utensils all has a powerfuleffect on reducing hunger andpotentially boosting fat loss Idisappointed my Asian mom by neverbecoming a doctor but you can imaginejust how excited she was when I told herI’d now be eating rice using herChopsticks and sitting down at the tablefor dinner but remember you got to takethings of moderation it’s okay to eatpopcorn while watching the movie orwatch my YouTube videos during theoccasional lunch break it’s just not agreat Habit to eat every single one ofyour meals in front of the screen so thestrategies I’ve shared with you so farshould help you get into a caliberdeficit but I don’t know if you guyshave ever seen the video where averagepeople try to keep up with aprofessional Marathon runner’s pace andend up falling off after like 20 secondsthat’s kind of like what it’s like ifyou completely change your dietovernight sure bodybuilders and hardcoreFitness guys like myself have no problemlosing fat fast if needed but you’llmake way more progress making just smallchanges at a time and aiming to loseeven just half a pound of fat everysingle week consistently rather thanlosing a pound or two on some weeks andthen gaining it all back again on otherweeks now as for how many calories is Rfor your body you can head over to ourcustom calculator over atbuiltwithsciencedocomo give you calories for faster fatloss or slower fat loss depending onwhat’s more realistic for you but justkeep in mind that you will mess up atsome point maybe you’ll binge e reallybad one night or maybe you’ll have acheat meal gone wrong and that’s okayit’s happened to me countless times onemeal or even a whole day of eating junkwon’t ruin your progress but if you findyourself cheating on your diet too oftenthen that’s often a sign that you needto make it more enjoyable for examplecan tuna is cheap it’s high protein andit’s low calorie but I can’t stand itand excluding it from my diet hasn’taffected my fat loss results at all onthe other hand I love certain Filipinodishes like chicken Adoba and C C sowhenever my mom makes them I always finda way to fit them in or sometimes I’lljust make healthier versions of themwithin our Bel programs we alsogive our members access to hundreds ofeasy tasty high protein recipes thatmake dieting so much easier but lookonline and just get experimenting createa diet you actually enjoy because that’swhat you’ll be more likely to stick toin the long run now while we’ve lookedat how to structure your meals and whatto put in them creating a healthy fatloss diet doesn’t have to be crazyexpensive in fact I created one of thecheapest fat loss meal buttons itincludes all the concepts we’vediscussed in this video and it only costaround $5 a day so make sure to watchthis video next to learn all about howto make the meals but if you need morehelp and you want an all-in-one programthat shows you exactly how to work outand what to eat every week to get in thebest shape of your life just head overto builtwith a quiz tocreate the best plan for you and your