How To Eat To Lose Belly Fat (3 STAGES!)

belly fat is really easy to gain butseems almost impossible to lose nowyou’re probably aware that your diet isthe key to losing fat from this area butyou likely have no idea where to startlet alone how to keep fallouts going forlong enough to get rid of the moststubborn areas today I’ll show you stepby step in three stages how to eat tostart losing fat and how to keep thatgoing until you successfully lost all ofyour belly fat and for goodbefore we dive into the three stages letme explain what these stages mean andwhy you need them in the first place soyou’re likely somewhere between a bodyfat of 15 and 25 or maybe even higherregardless of where you are right nowyou need to lose enough fat from otherareas of your body before your body willstart prioritizing burning off yourbelly fat for energy for most peoplethis starts to really happen around 15body fat by the time you reach around 12or 10 body fat your belly fat will bealmost completely gone now while yourdiet is key to achieving this the dietyou use to get you from let’s say 25 to15 most often won’t be enough to takeyou down to the next level of 12 thesame is true for going from 12 down toeven 10 as you get leaner and leanerthere’s certain things you need to beaware of and certain changes you shouldmake with your diet to prevent you fromgetting stuck and to prevent you fromlosing muscle let’s start with stage onethe first stage is designed tokick-start the fat loss process and keepit going until you get to about 15 bodyfat throughout this stage your hungerlevels will be low your risk of muscleloss will also be low andphysiologically it will be the easieststage to get through the stage isactually quite simple there’s only twofactors you need to focus on caloriesand protein let’s first talk aboutcalories you don’t need to completelycut out carbs sugar or any of yourfavorite foods all you need to do iscreate what’s known as an energy deficitto start forcing your body to burn bodyfat for energy you create this deficitby consuming less calories than yourbody Burns every day now to find theappropriate energy deficit for your bodytake your body weight in pounds andmultiply that by anywhere from 11 to 13.if you’re a taller individual younger ormore active go with the higher end ifyou’re shorter individual older or lessactive go with the lower end the numberyou get will be a rough estimate of theamount of calories you should eat everyday but to hit your goal calorie intakesome foods are better than others what Irecommend is focusing on what’s known aslow calorie density Foods these arefoods that for the amount of space theytake up in your stomach will only add arelatively low amount of calories toyour daily total for example here’s what200 calories of Oreos look like andhere’s what 200 calories of cereal lookslike for the same amount of calories youcould fill your stomach with a mountainfull of strawberries and carrots notonly that but since low calorie densityFoods tend to be unprocessed they alsotend to require more calories to burnand digest the more processed foods nowas for how much of a difference this canmake for fat loss a recent 2019 papertook 20 adults and first ran themthrough a diet consisting of only highcalorie density processed foods for twoweeks afterwards they switch them to adiet of low calorie density unprocessedfoods for two weeks in both conditionsthey were allowed to eat as much food asthey wanted the result the processedfoods diet led to almost 2 pounds ofweight gain once they switch theunprocessed diet however their dailycalorie intake dropped by over 500calories and they ended up losing overtwo pounds at the end of the stage I’llprovide a list of low calorie densityfood items for you to pick from butbefore that there is one more Factor youneed to pay attention to although eatingfewer calories in your body needs willhelp you lose weight you want as much ofthat weight loss to be from fat ratherthan muscle this is where protein comesin you need to start eating more of itin fact in studies where subjects go onthe same diet and lose the same amountof weight the ones who eat more proteinend up losing more fat and less muscleas for how much protein you should aimfor a good recommendation for relativelyheavier males in the stage who are at ahigher body fat is to eat one gram percentimeter over your height so if you’re175 centimeters tall you need to eataround 175 grams of protein per day withthe recipe calories coming from carbsand fats whereas if you’re a relativelylighter individual or closer to 15 bodyfat then you want to multiply your bodyweight in pounds by 0.8 and at a minimumeat that many grams of protein per daynow this might sound like a lot at firstbut as you’ll see it’s pretty easy to doif you choose the right protein sourcesso to apply this all take a look atthese lists here’s a list of some lowcalorie density unprocessed foods andhere’s a list with protein sourcesordered from highest to lowest in termsof how much protein they containrelative to their calories use theselists to build your meals throughout theday and try to have one lean proteinsource and at least one serving offruits and or veggies into each of yourmeals for example instead of a muffinfor breakfast have some egg whites withblueberries and oatmeal you definitelystill can have processed foods now andthen but just be mindful of your servingsizes and enjoy them in moderation soFocus only on calories and protein everyday and if you’re consistent you’ll beable to get your body fat all the waydown to 15 but at this point is whenyou’ll likely need to refine yourapproach to continue getting resultsbefore we dive into the next stage I’mcurious what stage are you currently inright now and what’s your goal body fatpercentage let me know in the commentsdown below and also let me know if whatI’m about to say later on in this videochanges your mind at all about your goalthis is where stage two comes in whichinvolves going from 15 down to 12 bodyfat by this point you’ll be hungrieryour fat loss will slow down and you’llbe at a slightly greater risk of muscleloss as a result this is where mostpeople get stuck there’s two things thatwill help you overcome this first youneed to get more precise with yourapproach from stage one as your bodyloses more and more fat your metabolismwill decrease and you’ll start burningfewer calories per day this is yourbody’s way of protecting its remainingfat Source this means the energy deficityou use in stage one to get down to 15body fat May no longer be enough to getyou down to 12 body fat to overcome thisif you haven’t yet been doing so youshould start tracking your daily calorieintake and doing so more carefully youmight not think this is necessary butresearch has shown the average personwill think they eat about429 less calories per day on averagethan they actually do so even if justtemporarily measure out your food to seehow many calories you’re actuallyconsuming and ensure you’re in an energydeficit second this stage is when you’llwant to start addressing your carb andfat intake take a look at this list ofcarbs and fats although healthy fats areneeded in your diet on a gram per grambasis fats contain more than twice asmany calories as carbs do because ofthis an effective approach is to keepyour protein intake high as is but loweryour daily fat intake to the lower endof what’s recommended for General Healththis is about 20 to 25 percent of yourdaily calorie intake as a result you’llnow have room to introduce more carbsinto your diet these extra carbs can notonly help you better manage your hungerlevels but they’ll also provide you withthe Boost and energy to support yourdaily activities and performance of thegym helping you burn more calories everyday and better maintain your muscle massmake these two weeks and if you’reconsistent you’ll be able to get down toaround 12 body fat this is where stagethree comes in this is the mostdifficult stage while consistency withwhat we mentioned earlier will be thekey to progressing through the stageit’s going to require more disciplineand sacrifice first off not only willyou very likely have to be accuratelytracking your calories every day you’llalso want to ensure your daily meals aremaking the best use of The Limitedcalories you have at this point yourhunger levels will be the highestthey’ve been so most of your mealsthroughout the day will need to comefrom high volume foods that will helpyou stay full for less calories I dohave a past video I made that shows themost effective high volume food swaps tomake which I’ll link at the end of thisvideo but this also means that you’llneed to be more disciplined when itcomes to social events and dining outyou don’t have to eliminate itcompletely but you will have to makewise choices when you’re out and makesure that you plan in advance for bigmeals out or for alcohol both of whichcan drastically increase your calorieintake without you even realizing itlastly ask yourself if the sacrificesare worth it in my opinion for mostnatural lifters a body fat of around 12to 15 percent is the most sustainablephysique it’s practical to maintain youget the health benefits of being leanerand you’ll still look great especiallyif you have a good amount of muscle onyou and well developed Abs from trainingthem while getting leaner than this yesit’s going to provide a bit moredefinition than cuts it not onlyrequires a lot more sacrifice but formany people that’s when daily energylevels and strength will start to benegatively effective and unlike ourbuilt with science member Patrick overhere who started off with a good amountof muscle you might actually not end upliking the way you look being reallylean if you haven’t yet built up muchmuscle so while you definitely can getto 10 body fat by pushing through withwhat you’ve learned at least considerhanging around at a higher level bodyfat first and be proud of how far you’vecome and realize that the extra pushjust may not be worth it especially ifyou can’t maintain itoverall guys the strategy when it comesto your nutrition is actually quitesimple the hard part is stayingconsistent with it you have to be clearabout what your goals are and then findwhat you personally enjoy and can stickto consistently in the long run and ifyou’re looking for step-by-step Guidancewith setting up your nutrition plan andfinding foods and meals that youactually look forward to eating everyday just head on over and take myanalysis quiz to discover the bestapproach for you and your body I’d alsohighly suggest that you give this videoa watch next for an exercise to help youspeed up the fat loss process or givethis video a watch next for some quickand easy fat loss food swaps you canmake into your diet right away

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